How do we raise money as a nonprofit?

How do we raise money as a nonprofit?

Nonprofits obtain the majority of their funding, about 68%, from individual donors. Building diverse revenue streams that fund services and support organizational growth is essential to a nonprofit organization's success.

Typical nonprofit funding sources and their percentage of revenue:

  • Individual Donations: Receiving individual donations from friends, family, coworkers, and the public is the primary fundraising method for most 501(C)(3) nonprofit organizations. Target should be 60-70% of your funding should come from Individual Donations!

  • Program Fees: Charging reasonable fees for programs or services.

  • Corporate Sponsorships: Establishing relationships with local businesses that generate corporate gifts to help fund the organization.

  • In-Kind Gifts: Receiving donations of equipment, services, or goods that the organization may otherwise need to purchase.

  • Grants: Foundation and government grants provide a short-term infusion of revenue to launch or expand programming for established nonprofits. Organizations require a successful history of diversified fundraising and sustainable operations to compete for grant funding. 

  • Bequests: Receiving gifts from the estate of a person upon their death.


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