IRS 990 Filing Options

IRS 990 Filing Options

There are five versions of the IRS Nonprofit Form 990: 

990-N: Small 501(c)(3) organizations with gross receipts that are normally less than $50,000.
990-EZ:  Gross receipts between $50,000 and $199,999, and total assets under $500,000
990 long-form: Gross receipts of $200,000 and above, or with assets over $500,000
990-PF: All private foundations, regardless of income. 
Form 990-T: Organizations with unrelated business income. eg., Selling food and beverages, revenue for charging for parking use of the facility, or advertising in club newsletters or other publications

Our tax compliance team will help you determine which Nonprofit Form 990 is appropriate for your nonprofit’s filing. These forms often require more information than a corporate tax return. The IRS ensures strict scrutiny in governance, structure, procedures, programs, and compliance.

If you have any inquiries about our Form 990 services, we’re here to help! Contact our professional team at BryteBridge Nonprofit Solutions to discuss your IRS Form 990 filing requirements for this tax year. 

We can also help you organize and maintain your organization’s accounting records on an ongoing basis so we can get the details needed to complete the annual IRS Nonprofit Form 990. Whether you’re a private foundation or a charity-focused business with taxable income, we’re ready to help you prepare your documents professionally and ensure your IRS Form 990-N filing requirements are completed correctly.
Ready to get started on your Form 990? Start with our 990-evaluation tool.
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