Nonprofit Startup Checklist

Nonprofit Startup Checklist

   Organization Name: ______________________________

   Organization Address: ______________________________

   Fiscal Year: ______________________________

   Initial Board of Directors:

   President: ______________________________

   Secretary: ______________________________

   Treasurer: ______________________________

   Additional Board Members: ______________________________


   Date of Incorporation: ______________________________

   Secretary of State File Number: ______________________________

   Registered Agent: ______________________________

   EIN: ______________________________

   IRS Tax-Exempt Status:

   Date of Application: ______________________________

   501c Classification: ______________________________

   Date of Tax-Exemption: ______________________________

   Are 990s required: ______________________________

   State Documentation:

   Charity Registration Date Field: ______________________________

   State/Sales Tax Exemption Date Filed: ______________________________

   Annual Compliance:

   Date first 990 is due: ______________________________

   Date first annual report is due: ______________________________

   Date first charity registration renewal is due: ______________________________

   Date state/sales tax renewal is due: ______________________________

   Organization Operation:

   D&O Insurance Quoted: ______________________________

   Strategic Plan Ordered: ______________________________

   Corporate Sponsorship Ordered: ______________________________

Date First Donor Appreciation Planned: ______________________________
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