Understanding Inurement and the impacts on your 501(C)(3)
Inurement is one of those terms that many nonprofit board members are unfamiliar with, yet it's something the IRS monitors and, if ignored, can result in the loss of 501(C)(3) status.
The IRS has strict rules about how nonprofits use and distribute their earnings, and those earnings cannot benefit board members, officers, or supporters of the organizations.
The IRS explicitly states, "A section 501(c)(3) organization must not be organized or operated for the benefit of private interests, such as the creator or the creator's family, shareholders of the organization, other designated individuals, or persons controlled directly or indirectly by such private interests. No part of the net earnings of section 501(c)(3) organization may benefit any private shareholder or individual. A private shareholder or individual has a personal and private interest in the organization's activities."
The IRS is concerned about control of the organization:
Direct control – refers to direct control as enacted by a board director, high-level executive, manager, founder, major donor, highest-paid employees, or family members of influential people within the nonprofit.
Indirect control - refers to control over others who are officers, directors, or those who strongly influence decision-making.
In other words, board members, officers, or key supporters cannot unfairly benefit from a nonprofit's resources by virtue of position. The IRS is concerned with the potential for abuse of power resulting in personal gain from a nonprofit's assets. The most common offenders tend to be nonprofit employees that also hold board seats but can extend to any board position or employee.
To avoid problems with the IRS and protect the nonprofit's reputation, nonprofit board members must understand the limitations of the 501(c)(3) law, especially as they pertain to private Inurement.
Examples of Inurement
Examples of arrangements that will result in the Inurement of earnings are:
Preventing Inurement
Now that you better understand the private benefit and private Inurement, we've got some tips to help your board safeguard against Inurement.
Inurement/Private Benefit - Charitable Organizations. https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/charitable-organizations/inurement-private-benefit-charitable-organizations
Understanding Private Inurement and How It Impacts Your Nonprofit. https://www.boardeffect.com/blog/private-inurement/